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WWF Byte This w/ Scott Hall
The Big Event, Wrestlemania X-8 is just two weeks away, and things aren't looking too good, at least from where this fan sits. At least there's Scott Hall...

Peeing on WrestleMania: The Movie
In the wake of the inexplicably botched Invasion angle, the maniacal Vince McMahon thought he finally achieved his dream of completely owning the entire world of professional wrestling. Little did he know, lying in wait was Ric Flair who had bought %50 of the WWF from Vince's 2 children, Shane and Stephanie. Much to Vince's dismay he was now the co-owner of the WWF alongside veteran wrestler, Ric Flair�Naturally Vince freaked.

Hockey Hall of Fame
It's there, it's been there and I only just managed to get around to visiting.

A Museum With A Passion: Children's Museum in Layfayette, Louisiana
This children's museum in Layfayette, Louisiana, is well researched, well implemented and fun for kids and parents alike.

U.S. Army Ordnance Museum

National Museum of Scotland
This museum bills itself as "presenting Scotland to the World and the World to Scotland". In trying to achieve these difficult goals, it certainly makes a very good effort. However, there are some fundamental flaws preventing it from being a truly great attraction.

A Necessary Story: The Holocaust Memorial Museum
The topic is powerful. The museum is gripping. The impact of visting the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. will stay with you forever.

October Events
In the month of October there's a lot more to do in North Carolina than Trick-or-Treatin'. We've got arts and crafts, Oktoberfests, museum exhibits, folk festivals and more. Check out the schedule below!

Live in the Past -Mining Museum
Do you call something or someone outdated and appearing to be no longer relevant in the present context a �museum- piece�? Think again. The article highlights some of the focused action around the globe and efforts to resurrect the past. The mining museums are living testimony of the resourcefulness of the mining industry and are to be seen and felt.

WWF WrestleMania X-8 Roundtable
Disclaimer: We are not experts on wrestling but we can go on and on about it for hours. Here's our look at the big show known as Wrestlemania. And we remind you, no egos were hurt during the creation of this article and Markkind wasn't wearing any pants!

Tudor Hall

Stepping Back in Time: A Historic Hotel Museum in Tampa, Florida
Most historic buildings in America are historic houses. This is a historic hotel. The Henry B. Plant Museum in Tampa, Florida, gives you a peek into the past as a wealthy hotel guest.

Batter Up! The Boys of Summer
Here are some museums dedicated to, what was called, the National Pastime.

WWF Bytes This w/ Vince McMahon
We are nine days away from Wrestlemania X-8. There are four matches booked for certain. The fifth is on in all but name. They've got four hours to fill. You get the feeling that this next week is going to be a hectic one indeed for the WWF.

Desert Museum
As I learn more about the desert I live in, I notice more I don't know. My recent trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum inspired me to learn about the cactus and other plants native to this arid landscape. Here are seven cacti growing in my backyard. See if you can identify them. Then read on to discover the museum for yourself.

Focus On NZ Production

Dr. Ian Hall has a passion for music, the arts, photography, a keen interest in renovation and just a mild interest in truffi�res...(photo, from Clive Shirley, is of the Macrolepiota clelandii, one of the few wild edible mushrooms in NZ.)

Adams House Museum
The historic Adams House Museum in Deadwood is a fully restored Victorian house.

Museums in the Heart of Indiana
Summary of four museums in the Indianapolis area with comments about the strengths and weaknesses at each of them.

Havre de Grace Decoy Museum

The Return of Eric Bischoff
We thought we'd explore the latest rumor. You've heard the latest rumor haven't you? The one where Eric Bischoff may be part of a package deal that includes the return of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash to the WWF. Now before you get your thong all in a bunch think about how this could work...

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