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A Museum With A Passion: Children's Museum in Layfayette, Louisiana
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U.S. Army Ordnance Museum
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Then I finally visit, and I understand.
National Museum of Scotland
This museum bills itself as "presenting Scotland to the World and the World to Scotland". In trying to achieve these difficult goals, it certainly makes a very good effort. However, there are some fundamental flaws preventing it from being a truly great attraction.
A Necessary Story: The Holocaust Memorial Museum
The topic is powerful. The museum is gripping. The impact of visting the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C. will stay with you forever.
Live in the Past -Mining Museum
Do you call something or someone outdated and appearing to be no longer relevant in the present context a �museum- piece�? Think again. The article highlights some of the focused action around the globe and efforts to resurrect the past. The mining museums are living testimony of the resourcefulness of the mining industry and are to be seen and felt.
Stepping Back in Time: A Historic Hotel Museum in Tampa, Florida
Most historic buildings in America are historic houses. This is a historic hotel. The Henry B. Plant Museum in Tampa, Florida, gives you a peek into the past as a wealthy hotel guest.
Gossip: Meg Ryan after Dennis Quaid
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Irish American songwriter Cathie Ryan's new recording, Somewhere Along the Road
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Desert Museum
As I learn more about the desert I live in, I notice more I don't know. My recent trip to the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum inspired me to learn about the cactus and other plants native to this arid landscape. Here are seven cacti growing in my backyard. See if you can identify them. Then read on to discover the museum for yourself.
October Events
In the month of October there's a lot more to do in North Carolina than Trick-or-Treatin'. We've got arts and crafts, Oktoberfests, museum exhibits, folk festivals and more. Check out the schedule below!
Adams House Museum
The historic Adams House Museum in Deadwood is a fully restored Victorian house.
Museums in the Heart of Indiana
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Havre de Grace Decoy Museum
Chain-smoking His Way Toward The Promised Land: Ryan Adams CD Review
Ryan Adams writes a song for every cigarette he smokes. Considering that he seems to chain smoke from the moment he rolls out of bed till the moment he flops wherever - signifying an arbitrary end to what seems to be a continuos cycle of music- and tobacco-obsessed activity - that’s a helluva lotta songs. Yes, Ryan Adams is prolific as all get out. But it’s quality, not quantity, that makes Gold such an absolute delight - at least by the 5th or 6th listen. That’s about how long it takes to realize that Adams - just shy of his 27th birthday - is perhaps the most promising roots-rocker currently chain-smoking his way toward the promised land.
Online Toy and Doll Museums
I love museums, especially if they have sections devoted to toys. I’d like to share with you a listing of toy museums that I’ve found. If you know of any toy museums not mentioned in this article, please send me an e-mail.
What do Human Hearts, Swim Fins, and Musical Instruments Have in Common? --The Franklin Institute Science Museum
Have you ever walked through a human heart? Played with electricity? Created a tornado? Visit the Franklin Institute Science Museum in
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Tips for Visiting An Art Museum With A Child
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The Magical Car Museum
If I could wave a magic wand over every new-born baby, I would give each the gift of one perfect, magical summer as I had in my ninth year.
As I remember it all started with my birthday on May 15th. My grandmother Pat was treating me to an outing at the big city museum in Moncton. For a child in New Brunswick, this was exciting stuff. The very sound of that word was magical: mus-eee-um. I had researched every mention of that word in the encyclopedias in my father's library, so I had some idea of the adventure that awaited me.
The Child's Trip to the Art Museum
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