Purchasing new or used cars.

Buyers beware, particularly on late model used cars! Make sure you check out first.

When setting out to get a new or different vehicle, does one look at new cars or used cars? New Cars are always so much more tempting, all shiny and clean! However, used cars may provide greater value at reduced cost with little or no loss in reliability. There is a lot of value left in well-maintained used cars, infact the experts say that a good used car is the best money saving deal out there. This is assuming you make your selections carefully.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of scams going on out there. In looking at used cars, you can easily get taken! Although it is not completely impossible for this to happen with new cars as well, it is certainly less likely. If you are looking at used cars, you may want to try some of the reporting services such as, or any comparable service, before you purchase. You might also want to check for dealers in your area utilizing these services. This will at least give you some perspective on local dealers, particularly if you are not very familiar with their reputation and integrity. If you are still not sure, ask around, sometimes the best advise come from those who have gone, or in this case bought, before.

Copyright 2001


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Welcome to, an exciting new Web site for Major League Baseball fans that provides unique perspectives and stories on the Modern Era Players, Managers, Characters, Ballparks and the like that make baseball America’s great, national past time.

This site is designed for the fans and to that end its launch is dedicated in memory to my late father, Joe Connor III, who – in addition to being just a wonderful Dad - was a true baseball fan as well as strong advocate of the fans.


Listen to Joe talk ballparks and his book, "A Fans' Guide To...The Ultimate Ballpark Tour" on these stations:

July 20, 8 p.m. (Central Time) on KTCK, Sports Radio "The Ticket," in Dallas-Fort Worth with host Timm Matthews. Go to and click on "Listen" to tune in.

July 22, 10:25 a.m. (Central Time) on ESPN Radio 1000 in Chicago with host Jim Volkman.

Ah, minor league baseball where one can only dream of "The Show."

If you're going to spring training in Tucson, Arizona, be sure not to bypass this hideaway.


When Tony Gwynn decided to hang it up for good at season’s end, he not only left his bat – but also his mouth.

You see, unless Gwynn was getting ready to hit or take the field, he just loved to rap with 'ya.


Only in 2001 can Pedro Martinez be given a warning for grazing a batter - WITH A FREAKING CURVE BALL! How did the game stoop to this utter mess? By licensing Barbie Doll, that's how! Learn more about this disgrace to our past time.