October 21,2001

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"For a certain amount of money, you'll eat Alpo." -"Mr. October," Reginald Martinez Jackson.

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"Joe�s book is not only very informative and unique, but it�s also very funny!" says Jeff Dotseth, Sports Talk Host at 760 KFMB.

For just $5.95 you too can learn the secrets of enjoying �A Fans� Guide To�The Ultimate Ballpark Tour,� plus free advice from Joe on planning your trip! (Iowa cornfields not included!)

Review excerpts from the book here, or easily download the book by clicking on the �Exclusive Report� link to the right (and slightly above) this text!

EXCERPTS FROM �A FANS� GUIDE TO THE�ULTIMATE BALLPARK TOUR,� which provides Major League Baseball fans with tips to organize a trip right for them; tips to ensure their trip doesn�t hit a bump in the road; places to see en route; and most importantly � the ballparks to see and how to see them! Plus, information from the great memories and how to log them!

- �Throughout�but especially in the Case Study section, you will receive a number of ballpark tips. Here�s Numero Uno!: Effective planning for your trip cannot be overstated!...Remember National Lampoon�s Vacation? Sure you do! Don�t let it happen to you! Save it for the movies!�

- �I didn�t tour the country in a Lear Jet or a posh limo. In fact, my first tour was completed when I was pretty low on funds!�

- �What�s the biggest obstacle facing diehard baseball fans who want nothing more than to visit all 30 Major League Baseball ballparks? The answer, of course, is time. Like most, including yours� truly, you probably have a full-time job. And like most, you probably only have three weeks vacation per year � at most. Even Rickey Henderson can do the math � and he�s no rocket scientist�Unless you quit your job, leave your significant other, are filthy rich, or are retired, realize you are NOT going to visit all 30 Major League Baseball ballparks in one season. It�s unrealistic...�

- �Let�s say you have two weeks - or 10 working days of vacation. You might think that you haven�t a snowball�s chance of visiting even a third of the Major League Baseball ballparks in this time frame. You�d be wrong��

- �For most ballpark trips � even short ones - I strongly suggest you plan at least six months in advance. This might seem a bit much but believe me it will ensure your trip is a smoother one and here's how...�

- �Ballpark Tour Trip No. 4 � Do expect the unexpected � and often! Be aware there may be some folks out there who failed to take their medicine before getting behind the wheel!�

- �Another must see? Roaming around the ballpark, taking in the vibe and atmosphere of the moment�The smell of hot dogs on the grill. The sounds of mass transit � trains, buses, cars - dropping fans off near the ballpark. The vendors shouting along every nearby street, �Program, get �ya programs here!�

- "Located 18-feet below street level, �The Jake� is a great ballpark � no matter where you sit. But make sure you arrive early..."

- �I prefer to sit in left field so I can try and catch a home run in this launch pad. Because the fences are so short, you can also converse with some of the players during batting practice�Any seat is a good seat at Camden Yards with one exception...�

- �Kauffman Stadium is a terrific, quaint ballpark�even the furthest seat above home plate! No nose-bleed feeling here and I can attest! During my visit, lights blinked above concessionaire stands similar to how the big Royal scoreboard lights blink in the outfield, showcasing the great continuity, pride and detail of the organization..."

- �All it takes is a little summer to discover the native bird in Minnesota is the mosquito�The Metrodump is just that � a dump. There are no good seats except for..."

- �Comisky Park is the classic case that �Excess does not necessarily lead to success.��

- �Most conclusions are boring, repeating what you�ve already read. I�m not boring. I take action. And you should too. This (e-book) should be your call to action.�

Purchase "A Fans' Guide To...The Ultimate Ballpark Tour" for just $5.95 and receive free advice from Joe on planning your trip! From the home page, click on "Exclusive Report," which is located on the right hand side.

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You want to visit as many ballparks as possible, but only have so much time. �A Fans� Guide To�The Ultimate Ballpark Tour� provides tips on how to visit as many ballparks as possible in as short a timeframe as possible, plus other great information!

Special thanks to Brian THE GOD and Lisa THE QUEEN

When You Come To A Fork In The Road, Take It!
Want to learn more about a true, original Modern Era Character? Click here and you'll be directed to Modern Era bliss. Yogi Berra truly IS the man. This - mind you - coming from a diehard Red Sox fan for the love of Pete!


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