July 11,2001

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You want to visit as many ballparks as possible, but only have so much time. Volume I of �A Fans� Guide To�The Ultimate Ballpark Tour� provides tips on how to visit as many ballparks as possible in as short a timeframe as possible.

We've only been up since April 23, 2001 and your response has been phenomenal. Now there's even more great content - consider the book "The Ultimate Ballpark Tour" available above this message and "More Dope ModernEra Stuff" below, whose articles provide a link to our great new content partner, athlonsports.com. And don't forget to tell your friends! - Joe Connor, San Diego, Calif., July 2001

When You Come To A Fork In The Road, Take It!
Want to learn more about a true, original Modern Era Character? Click here and you'll be directed to Modern Era bliss. Yogi Berra truly IS the man. This - mind you - coming from a diehard Red Sox fan for the love of Pete!


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